Belarusian Exporters the annual publication is a reliable guide for entrepreneurs both in Belarus and abroad. Being a source of relevant and useful information about leading domestic manufacturers, the catalogue helps to get an objective picture of opportunities and prospects of cooperation with Belarusian companies.

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Address: 220004, Minsk, Korolya St., 9, office 9
Telephone: +375 17 375-1020
Description of activities: Production and supply of agricultural machinery, road construction and municipal machinery.
Address: 220007, Minsk, Fabritsiusa St., 8, building 1, office 216
Telephone: +375 17 200-6896
Description of activities: Production of analytical equipment for petroleum chemistry laboratories and precise metrology equipment.
Address: 222223, Minsk Region, Smolevichi District, vil. Stanok-Voditsa, Zavodskaya St., 1
Telephone: +375 17 555-5285
Description of activities: Design, production, warranty service and post-warranty maintenance of diesel generators, gasoline generators, gasoline pump sets, diesel pump sets.
Address: 247220, Gomel Region, Zhlobin District, vil.c. Solonski
Telephone: +375 2334 70-253
Description of activities: Processing of steelmaking slag, concrete and reinforced concrete products breakage waste. Production and sale of crushed slag of various fractions for road construction and preparation of asphalt concrete, crushed concrete of various fractions for road construction, scrap of refractory materials, inorganic mixes for recultivation of pits, disturbed lands and the insulating layer of solid municipal waste landfills.
Address: 246172, Gomel Region, Zhlobin, 1-y Pereulok Promyshlenny, 3
Telephone: +375 2334 539-71
Description of activities: Production of air separation products (oxygene, azote, argon) in liquid and gaseous state.
Address: 247220, Gomel Region, Zhlobin District, vil.c. Solonski, 37-D
Telephone: +375 44 799-7340
Description of activities: Production of magnesia flux and modulator slags.
Address: 213826, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, Sovetskaya St., 78, office 119
Telephone: +375 225 718-860
Description of activities: Promotion of business development in Bobruisk region.
Address: 213800, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, Chekhova St., 54
Telephone: +375 225 715-938
Description of activities: Production of ethanol, fodder yeast, carbon dioxide, fuel brick from lignin. Production of non-food alcohol-containing products (automobile window washer 'Krugozor' and deicing fluid concentrate), antifreezing agents, medicines, veterinary preparations, biological plant protection means.
Address: 213826, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, Sotsialisticheskaya St., 103
Telephone: +375 225 721-850
Description of activities: Production of printing products. Letterpress, offset, flexographic and digital printing, varnishing line, screen printing line. Possibility of applying the DataMatrix code (fair mark). The main directions: three-layer film according to Finnish technology for milk packaging, laminated foil, die-cut lids (plates), labels (including self-adhesive), packaging material from BOPP film, postage stamps, letterheads.
Address: 213800, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, Sikorskogo St., 1-A
Telephone: +375 225 712-568
Description of activities: Production of joiner's products for construction, container products, metal structures, furniture, rubber products, thermo-compressed products. Tailoring of working and special clothes.
Address: 213805, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, K.Marksa St., 235
Telephone: +375 225 745-500
Description of activities: Production of pumping equipment.
Address: 213805, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, Bakharova St., 225
Telephone: +375 225 467-808
Description of activities: Производство тракторов BELARUS мощностью 25-62,5 л.с.; коммунальной техники на базе трактора BELARUS; прицепного и навесного оборудования; оригинальных деталей и узлов к известным по всему миру тракторам марки BELARUS мощностью от 25-450 л.с., обеспечение конвейера ОАО "МТЗ"; производство колесных дисков для тракторов и сельхозтехники. Современный завод полного производственного цикла, который ежегодно обновляет свои производственные мощности с переориентацией их на гибкие технологии. Входит в состав Холдинга "МТЗ-Холдинг".
Address: 213830, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, Orlovskogo St., 20
Telephone: +375 225 590-601
Description of activities: Production of more than thirty items of agricultural machinery and equipment (tooth and disc harrows, pneumatic universal seeders with simultaneous fertilizer application, soil cultivation disc units, tractor semi-trailers, forage and municipal machinery).
Address: 220083, Minsk, Dzerzhinskogo Ave., 69, building 2, office 110
Telephone: +375 17 358-1169
Description of activities: Production of fiberglass molds of different standard sizes and design for the manufacture of fences for small architectural products, slotted floors, bicycle ramps, delineators, BPS blocks, elements of border posts, slabs for slopes fortification; plastic molds for the manufacture of paving slabs; fiberglass kits for tee insulation; luminous paving slabs; screw piles. Installation, dismantling of the manufactured products from metal, wood, concrete, plastic. Transport services for the delivery, loading, unloading of articles, products by automotive equipment and special equipment.
Address: 225003, Brest Region, Brest District, vil.c. Telminski, 4-E, airport 'Brest' area
Telephone: +375 162 509-757
Description of activities: Cultivation of fresh cultured cooled mushrooms, as well as fresh royal champignons, cultured according to the Dutch technology using European raw materials. Production of organic fertilizers based on mushroom production waste.
Address: 222518, Minsk Region, Borisov, Truda St., 41
Telephone: +375 177 732-133
Description of activities: Production of flour, grits, combined feed, growing of pigs and cattle, production of meat and milk, pasta products, semi-finished bakery products, food concentrates.
Address: 222520, Minsk Region, Borisov, 1-go Iyulya St., 6, office 1
Telephone: +375 177 731-780
Description of activities: Production of modern equipment and high-tech production lines for the agro-industrial complex. Integrated solutions in the field of grain and seed preparation, as well as the production of animal feed: from the selection of technology and equipment to commissioning and putting the facility into operation. The assortment of the enterprise includes: equipment for grain drying complexes and elevators (grain cleaning machines, bucket elevators, conveyors, grain dryers, etc.); technological lines and individual equipment for the high-quality seeds preparation (trier blocks, treaters, pneumosorting tables, etc.); equipment for the production of animal feed (hammer crushers, mixers, granulators, etc.); spare parts for agricultural machinery (sieves for grain cleaning equipment, hammers and sieves for crushers, shear bars, cardan shafts, knives and hubs, springs, etc.).
Address: 222517, Minsk Region, Borisov, Normandiya-Neman St., 1-A
Telephone: +375 177 942-555, +375 177 722-635
Description of activities: Production of spare parts for the diesel engines of motor vehicles and agricultural machinery, turbochargers, pneumatic compressors, water and oil pumps, hydraulic pump drives, tachospeedometers.
Address: 222518, Minsk Region, Borisov, Bratyev Vaynrubov St., 82; p/o box 565
Telephone: +375 177 755-317
Description of activities: Production of construction, municipal machinery based on MTZ tractors, attachable equipment, handling equipment, chain excavators, dozer and municipal blades, spare parts for earthmoving equipment.
Address: 222511, Minsk Region, Borisov, Daumana St., 97
Telephone: +375 177 790-800, +375 177 790-828
Description of activities: Production and sale of products from plastics, secondary polymer raw materials, household chemicals. Services: production of molds, testing of products in own accredited testing center.