Belarusian Exporters the annual publication is a reliable guide for entrepreneurs both in Belarus and abroad. Being a source of relevant and useful information about leading domestic manufacturers, the catalogue helps to get an objective picture of opportunities and prospects of cooperation with Belarusian companies.

Belarusian Exporters catalogue is distributed during visits and receptions of official delegations, foreign business communities, at international exhibitions and business forums, among foreign partners of the BelCCI, sent to foreign diplomatic missions, government agencies, and embassies of the Republic of Belarus.

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Address: 222516, Minsk Region, Borisov, Sennaya St., 5
Telephone: +375 177 900-112
Description of activities: Production of treated wooden sleepers for broad-gauge railroads, treated wooden beams for railroad switches, treated wooden semi-sleepers, treated wooden bridge beams.
Address: 222520, Minsk Region, Borisov, 30 Let VLKSM St., 18
Telephone: +375 177 758-531
Description of activities: Production of tinted and colourless MDF plates, plywood, matches.
Address: 222520, Minsk Region, Borisov, Revolyutsii Ave., 78
Telephone: +375 177 762-043
Description of activities: Production of bakery products and confectioneries.
Address: 222120, Minsk Region, Borisov, Zavodskaya St., 45
Telephone: +375 177 730-313
Description of activities: Production of wooden products: thin wood-fibre boards, sawn timber, profiled articles (floor board, lining, block house, imitation bars), molded strips (skirting board, casing, angles), glued laminated timber and houses made from it, garden cottages, wood granules.
Address: 222518, Minsk Region, Borisov, Chapayeva St., 64
Telephone: +375 177 732-261
Description of activities: Production of a wide range of drugs (injection solutions in ampoules and sterile powder forms of antibiotics; pills; liquid phytochemical preparations and soft dosage forms; drugs in hard gelatin capsules).
Address: 220036, Minsk, K.Libknekhta St., 66-A, office 210
Telephone: +375 29 797-9737
Description of activities: Legal services. Business consulting and other management consulting.
Address: 222603, Minsk Region, Nesvizh, Leninskaya St., 20-A, office 10
Telephone: +375 29 665-8203
Description of activities: Production of rubber plates.
Address: 247095, Gomel Region, settl. Loev, Batova St., 61
Telephone: +375 2347 504-19
Description of activities: Logging, sawing, planing and impregnation of wood. Cargo transport services.
Address: 220125, Minsk, p/o box 64
Telephone: +375 17 542-2634
Description of activities: Production of laboratory and office furniture.
Address: 220026, Minsk, p/o box 84
Telephone: +375 17 295-7275
Description of activities: Production and sale of automobile components.
Address: 225304, Брестская, Кобрин, 225304, г.Кобрин, ул. Советская, 130
Telephone: +375164238685
Description of activities: Кобринский хлебозавод - это стабильное и постоянно совершенствующееся предприятие. Ежегодно увеличиваются объемы производства и темп реализации и темп реализации собственной продукции, расширяется клиентская база, разрабатываются новые ассортиментные позиции. Фирменная торговая сеть предприятия насчитывает 9 магазинов. Хлебобулочные изделия представлены подовыми, пшеничными и ржаными хлебами, сдобной и булочной продукцией. Кондитерские изделия представлены широким ассортиментом тортов, пирожных, пряников, печенья, мучных сладостей.
Address: 220035, Minsk, Timiryazeva St., 67-202, office 1307
Telephone: +375 17 396-3975
Description of activities: Legal services in civil, tax, corporate and investment law. Maintenance of accounting records.
Address: 220004, Minsk, Nemiga St., 40, office 303
Telephone: +375 17 200-0770
Description of activities: Implementation of investment projects for logistics infrastructure objects construction. Development of the multimodal industrial and logistics complex 'Bremino-Orsha', located in Bremino-Orsha Special Economic Zone and combining road, rail, air transportation network, as well as the industrial sector.
Address: 225275, Brest Region, Ivatsevichi District, settl. Telekhany, 1 Maya St., 51-A
Telephone: +375 29 637-7140
Description of activities: Production of wood briquettes.
Address: 224014, Brest, Baumanskaya St., 18
Telephone: +375 162 270-302
Description of activities: Production of dark and pale beer, sbiten, wines, low-alcohol beverages and mineral water.
Address: 224030, Brest, Gogolya St., 13
Telephone: +375 162 217-885
Description of activities: Foreign economic, consulting and information, translation services. Certification. Expert examination. Assessment. Issue of ATA Carnets.
Address: 224028, Brest, Gozdetskogo St., 28
Telephone: +375 162 236-026
Description of activities: Production of ceramic tile and bricks.
Address: 224020, Brest, Moskovskaya St., 204
Telephone: +375 162 356-404
Description of activities: Production of general-purpose incandescent lamps, decorative incandescent lamps (candle, ball), other incandescent lamps (mirror, for refrigerators, ovens), LED filament lamps, LED modular lamps, LED linear lamps, automobile lamps, sodium and HPS lamps, switchboard lamps, lamps for rail transport, special lamps, console LED street lamps, LED spotlights.
Address: 224020, Brest, Moskovskaya St., 202
Telephone: +375 162 321-933
Description of activities: Production of agricultural machinery "Berestye" for primary and pre-sowing tillage, for sowing of grain, industrial and forage crops, as well as for stubble ploughing, improvement of pastures and meadows: wide-functional tillage and sowing units, tillage units (semi-mounted, mounted), pneumatic universal seeders, pneumatic wide-span seeders, deep loosening ploughs, windrow rake. Production of static single-phase and three-phase multi-tariff meters of active electric energy of alternating current as well as gas meters.
Address: 224030, Brest, Kommunisticheskaya St., 23
Telephone: +375 162 281-818
Description of activities: Brest Free Economic Zone activities management. Services to Belarusian and foreign investors.