Belarusian Exporters the annual publication is a reliable guide for entrepreneurs both in Belarus and abroad. Being a source of relevant and useful information about leading domestic manufacturers, the catalogue helps to get an objective picture of opportunities and prospects of cooperation with Belarusian companies.

Belarusian Exporters catalogue is distributed during visits and receptions of official delegations, foreign business communities, at international exhibitions and business forums, among foreign partners of the BelCCI, sent to foreign diplomatic missions, government agencies, and embassies of the Republic of Belarus.

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Address: 220014, Минск, 220014, г. Минск, ул. Минина, д. 21, корпус 2
Telephone: +375172262418
Address: 220036, Минск, 220036, г. Минск, ул. Коржа, 11, а/я до востребова
Telephone: +375293886401
Address: 213826, Могилев, 213826, Могилевская область, г. Бобруйск, ул. Октя
Telephone: +375293896577
Description of activities: Розничная торговля семенами, средствами защиты растений, хозяйственными товарами
Address: 220141, Минск, г. Минск, ул. Академика Купревича, д. 1, корпус 3,
Telephone: +375172707989
Description of activities: Разработка и внедрение современных технологий водоснабжения. Производство очистительного оборудования
Address: 220007, Minsk, Volodko St., 24-A, room 307
Telephone: +375 17 358-0020
Description of activities: Оказание комплексного бухгалтерского обслуживания для юридических лиц.
Address: 220002, Minsk, V.Khoruzhey St., 31-A, office 1 (floor 3, right)
Telephone: +375 17 289-9394
Description of activities: Universal leasing company, provide our customers (legal entities and individuals) with a European-level financial service, providing services in the field of financial, operational lease and leaseback. One of the largest leasing companies in Belarus. Member of the largest Austrian banking group – Raiffeisen Group.
Address: 213805, Mogilev Region, Bobruisk, Novoshosseynaya St., 2
Telephone: +375 225 737-813
Description of activities: Production of solid wood cabinet and cushioned furniture. Production of customized special furniture.
Address: 220030, Minsk, Engelsa St., 34-A, building 2, office 511
Telephone: +375 17 328-3588
Description of activities: Production of household chemicals and personal hygiene products, laundry detergents (TM Mara, April Evolution, Seagull, Sunday, Pulcino (for children) washing powders and liquid laundry detergents; TM Shiny Lux, Sunday, Suprim, Pulcino (children's) stain removers and bleaches, TM Mara, SKY, Seagull, Sunday, Pulcino (children's) fabric softeners; TM Voskhod home cleaning products, Voskhod air fresheners , TM Suprim special products, Sunday, Mara, Seagull, April Evolution EcoSolution, Pulcino (for children's dishes) dishwashing detergents, TM Krasa, Krasota Naked, Sunday, Pulcino (for children from the first days of life) personal hygiene products, April Evolution EcoSolution, SUPRIM ECO washing powder for dishwashers, TM SUPRIM, Voskhod disinfectants.
Address: 220015, Minsk, P.Glebki St., 15-A, floor 3, office 1
Telephone: +375 17 379-0144, +375 29 339 1112
Description of activities: Design and production of unmanned rotary-wing aircraft complexes. Development of design and technological documentation for unmanned helicopters (weighting 150 kg, 250 kg, 700 kg, and more).
Address: 210033, city Vitebsk, Lazo str., 110G
Telephone: +375 212 679-834, +375 29 553-0170
Description of activities: Manufacture and sale of paper products and stationery (tape for ATMs, infokiosks and cash registers, self-adhesive labels, carbon paper, paper rolls, notebooks, notepads).
Address: 220014, Minsk, Pereulok S.Kovalevskoy, 52
Telephone: +375 17 228-2014
Description of activities: Production and sale of microwave ovens, accumulating electric water heaters and gas ovens.
Address: 220034, Minsk, Zm.Byaduli St., 13, office 300-A
Telephone: +375 29 115-1881
Description of activities: Legal services for businesses and individuals.
Address: 230005, Grodno, Myasnitskaya St., 22
Telephone: +375 152 601-327, +375 152 681-039, +375 29 787-3892
Description of activities: Production of household steel solid fuel boilers. Assembly and fitting of boiler rooms and heating systems, modular boiler rooms. Project works.
Address: 220013, Minsk, P.Brovki St., 8, build. 2, office 300
Telephone: +375 17 308-3234
Description of activities: Production and sale of machinery used in road construction, agricultural, municipal and forestry industries.
Address: 211446, Vitebsk Region, Polotsk District, Novopolotsk, Parkovaya St., 16, building A
Telephone: +375 214 520-352
Description of activities: Production of children's play and sports outdoor equipment, small architectural forms.
Address: 222512, Minsk Region, Borisov, L.Chalovskoy St., 19
Telephone: +375 177 762-032
Description of activities: Repair and maintenance of heavy vehicles, engines, chrome plating and electroplating of parts.
Address: 223043, Minsk Region, Minsk District, a/t Bolshevik
Telephone: +375 17 504-8239
Description of activities: Production of eggs, poultry meat and dairy products.
Address: 220075, Minsk, Pereulok Promyshlenny, 9, building 5, office 12
Telephone: +375 29 761-1681
Description of activities: Production of technological cardboard package for the food industry and restaurant business.
Address: 210039, Vitebsk, P.Brovki St., 50/7
Telephone: +375 212 650-512
Description of activities: Production and supply of trading equipment (racks, checkouts, refrigerating equipment), development of smart solutions for the retail sector.
Address: 225320, Brest Region, Baranovichi, 50 Let VLKSM St., 7
Telephone: +375 163 417-098
Description of activities: Repair, modernization and service maintenance of Russian (Soviet) airplanes and helicopters. Development and production of new models of weapons and military equipment. Production of spare parts and components to aircraft machinery. Development and production of sophisticated test-bench equipment, checkout equipment for the repair of aircrafts and their components.
Address: 220100, Minsk, ул. Кульман, 11, офис 5
Telephone: +375 17 270-5517
Description of activities: Sales and purchases on the primary and secondary housing market, commercial and country properties, as well as representing valuation and analytical services. Support for real estate transactions at all stages.
Address: 246022, Gomel, Sovetskaya St., 41
Telephone: +375 232 343-957
Description of activities: Production of knitwear and hosiery (lingerie and outerwear, sports and swimwear range; business style clothing; hosiery range). Yarn whitening and dyeing; knitting fabrics of different weave types: coulir, interlocution, linen, lined, jacquard and mottled fabrics; finishing knitted fabrics (boiling, whitening, dyeing, stuffing); pile knitted fabrics; cutting and sewing finished products.
Address: 222160, Minsk Region, Smolevichi District, Zhodino, Sukhogryadskaya St., 11, office 38
Telephone: +375 1775 462-85
Description of activities: Production of linear and point drainage systems made of stainless steel for the reception and drainage of waste water; manufacturing of non-standard products (stainless steel metal structures according to the customer's design documentation). Services for sheet stainless steel cutting, bending, welding. Laser welding and laser cutting of metal.
Address: 247841, Gomel Region, settl Lelchitsy, Ostrovskogo St., 63
Telephone: +375 29 679-6034
Description of activities: Harvesting of wild vegetation, processing, cleaning, packing, freezing.
Address: 220030, Minsk, Internatsionalnaya St., 36-2
Telephone: +375 17 330-3030
Description of activities: Communication services.
Address: 222731, Minsk Region, Dzerzhinsk District, vil.c. Stankovski, 30, office 30
Telephone: +375 17 270-0741
Description of activities: Production of personal protective means (household mask, medical mask).
Address: 220073, Minsk, Pinskaya St., 35, office 406
Telephone: +375 17 378-7800, +375 29 327-0195
Description of activities: International shipping services for cargoes all over the world by any means of transport from 100 kg to 100 tons.
Address: 220116, Minsk, Dzerzhinskogo Ave., 104, office 14026/2
Telephone: +375 17 336-0101, +375 17 336-1919
Description of activities: Deliveries of computer, server and digital equipment for various purposes, as well as software.
Address: 22011, Minsk, M.Bogdanovicha St., 122, office 101
Telephone: +375 17 338-4444
Description of activities: Deliveries of abrasive products, paints and varnishes and paint equipment to woodworking and metalworking enterprises, as well as to retail sales points. Owns a service center and manufacturing area for coloring and developing paints and varnishes.
Address: 222521, Minsk Region, Borisov District, vil. Ugly, Oktyabrskaya St., 11
Description of activities: Lumber production.
Address: 220141, Minsk, Ak.Kuprevicha St., 5, building 3
Telephone: +375 17 268-6364
Description of activities: Industrial production of medicines (antiviral, antitumor, for the treatment of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract diseases). Pharmaceutical research and contract pharmaceutical production.
Address: 230023, Grodno, 1-go Maya St., 7/1
Telephone: +375 152 626-179
Description of activities: Production and sale of gloves and mittens from genuine leather, knitted fabrics and textile materials.
Address: 224704, Brest Region, Brest District, vil.c. Telminski, 14 (1 km south-west of the vil. Khaby, ABK)
Telephone: +375 162 592-143
Description of activities: Production of starter lead-acid batteries and plates.
Address: 220073, Minsk, Kharkovskaya St., 15, office 13
Telephone: +375 17 204-0035
Description of activities: Services for independent assessment of assets.
Address: 222521, Minsk Region, Borisov District, vil. Ugly, Moskovskoe Shosse St., 2, office 27
Telephone: +375 17 555-0505
Description of activities: Manufacture of industrial, street, decorative and special-purpose LED lamps and LED screens of different configurations.
Address: 220067, Minsk, Syrokomli St., 12, office 10N, room 2
Telephone: +375 17 318-8324
Description of activities: Производство, продажа и гарантийное обслуживание ПЭВМ, портативных компьютеров, серверов и систем хранения данных. Поставка лицензионного программного обеспечения. Антивирусное программное обеспечение. Информационная безопасность. Межсетевые экраны, сканеры уязвимостей, системы предотвращения утечек DLP.
Address: 220007, Minsk, Fabritsiusa St., 8
Telephone: +375 17 323-1915, +375 17 323-1937
Description of activities: Production of footwear for active leisure, footwear for military personnel. Trade in clothing and footwear for outdoor activities.
Address: 225710, Brest Region, Pinsk, Puchkova St., 12, office 8
Telephone: +375 44 515-8847
Description of activities: Wholesale trade in food products.
Address: 211441, Vitebsk Region, Polotsk District, Novopolotsk-1
Telephone: +375 214 594-513
Description of activities: Production of integrated packages of high-efficiency lubricating oil additives to be used for the manufacture of lubricating oils for gasoline and diesel engines. Production of a wide range of additives with varying functionality (succinimide, dithiophosphate, sulphonate, alkyl-phenolic derivatives), other petrochemical products (concentrate of calcium compounds, bituminous mastic mixtures). Development and introduction of science-intensive technologies into the production of additives.
Address: 220103, Minsk, Kalinovskogo St., 53, building 3, office 1-N
Telephone: +375 17 350-0222, +375 17 350-0333, +375 17 350-0444, +375 17 350-0999
Description of activities: Deliveries of professional adhesive products, repair, restoration and sealing special materials for aviation, shipbuilding, car engineering, engineering and construction (more than 2000 items) from the leading chemical concerns of Russia and Europe.
Address: 222210, Minsk Region, Smolevichi District,  Industrial Park 'Great Stone', Pekinskiy Ave., 18
Telephone: +375 17 517-2875
Description of activities: Managing the activities of the Great Stone Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park. Servicing Belarusian and foreign investors. Attracting investments into the creation and development of high-tech and competitive industries, increasing export potential, job creation within the territory of the Industrial Park.
Address: 220006, Minsk, Leningradskaya St., 18
Telephone: +375 17 365-4696
Description of activities: Minsk Free Economic Zone activities management. Services to Belarusian and foreign investors. Attracting investments in the creation and development of high-tech export-oriented and import-substituting industries on the territory of the free economic zone "Minsk".
Address: 210017, Vitebsk, 1-ya Zhurzhevskaya St., 4
Telephone: +375 212 653-045
Description of activities: Vitebsk Free Economic Zone activities management. Provision of services to Belarusian and foreign investors. Promoting the economic development of the Vitebsk region, attracting investments in the creation and development of export-oriented and import-substituting industries based on advanced technologies, creating jobs, developing the FEZ territory infrastructure.
Address: 220005, Minsk, V.Khoruzhey St., 3, office 407
Telephone: +375 17 215-0022, +375 44 544-0022
Description of activities: Consulting services, recruiting services, personnel consulting, labor market and salary market research, personnel assessment and certification. Corporate training. HR audit.
Address: 220125, Minsk, Uruchskaya St., 21, office 206
Telephone: +375 17 399-9995, +375 29 377-7739
Description of activities: Production and wholesale supplies of oil sorbents of own design. Wholesale supplies of plastic containers for food products (boxes, trays, iboxes), plastic pallets, plastic garbage containers, galvanized garbage containers. Wholesale supplies of fire-fighting equipment (fire extinguishers, fire hoses, foaming agent, fire cranes, fire cabinets, fire barrels, fire carriage barrels, fire hydrants, fire columns, self-rescuers, fire cloths, fire fittings).
Address: 220075, Minsk, Selitskogo St., 7
Telephone: +375 17 349-0000
Description of activities: Innovation ecosystem, a new era enterprise that develops innovative high-tech solutions in the areas of security, healthcare, scientific instrumentation and non-destructive testing.
Address: 220075, Minsk, Selitskogo St., 7
Telephone: +375 17 349-0000
Description of activities: Scientific research activities, the search for innovative solutions and development of design and technological documentation for X-ray inspection, desktop analytical devices and X-ray non-destructive testing systems.
Address: 220000, Minsk, Shafarnyanskaya St., 11, office 213
Telephone: +375 29 333-2444
Description of activities: Legal services for business.
Address: 220012, Minsk, Surganova St., 28-A, office 511
Telephone: +375 17 290-0000
Description of activities: Production of vacuum switches and factory-assembled switch gears. Supply of electrical equipment, wind power generators, alternative energy sources, lightning protection devices.
Address: 220056, Minsk, Starinovskaya St., 15, office 30
Telephone: +375 29 606-2221
Description of activities: Services in putting into operation and maintenance of power supply systems up to 10 kV: commissioning of relay protection and automation devices, telemechanics systems, automated control and electricity metering systems, high-voltage tests, electrophysical measurements, diagnostics of power supply systems, examination of grounding and lightning protection systems of high-voltage substations up to 330 kV, diagnostics and analysis of power quality indicators.