Date: 22 - 25 Sep 2021
The country: Iran
City: Tehran
Format: Exhibitions and fairs
Organizer: Belinterexpo
Location: Tehran Permanent Fairground
Participation: Paid
Start of the event: 22.09.2021 12:00:00 am
Contact person: Ekaterina Suprun
+375 17 334 82 02
+375 44 509 12 08

From 22 to 25 September 2021, Tehran (Iran) will host the international exhibition Iran Agrofood, which will present a wide range of food products, raw materials, agricultural machinery and technologies.

With four specialized areas, Iran Agrofood covers the entire production chain, from field to counter.

Iran Agrofood is the most important industry platform for valuable business contacts from Iran and neighboring countries. Exhibition unitary enterprise "Belinterexpo" invites Belarusian companies to take part in the event.