Newsletter headings of "Mercury"

№ 2, 2021

Between the 1st of January and the 30th of March, 2021, 12 new enterprises were included into the Register of Reliable Partners, the non-state register of the business entities of Belarus the official information about which indicates their good faith as partners in entrepreneurial activities in the domestic market and abroad.


Belarusian-American joint venture "BEVALEX" Limited Liability Company

"Belfleksofarb", Limited Liability Company

"Paper Mill "Spartak", Open Joint-Stock Company

"Vitebsk Oil Extraction Plant", Open Joint Stock Company

"WOODCRAFT", Limited Liability Company

"ZUBR ENERDZHI", Limited Liability Company

Belarusian-Polish joint venture "KAMAKO PLUS" in the form of a limited liability company

"Lida Milk Plant", Open Joint Stock Company

"Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant", Joint Stock Company

"MINSKCONTRAKT", Joint Stock Company

"Specavtotekhnika", Open Joint Stock Company, Bobruisk

"Stromautoline", Limited Liability Company


In total, there are 190 enterprises included in the Register of Reliable Partners. There are seven more applications from the business entities seeking to be included in the Register to be considered by the BelCCI shortly. For detailed information about the Register and the enterprises included, please visit