Глоток здоровья каждый день

№ 4, 2022

How "Darida" was created

The history of "Darida" company goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, when rural doctor Zdanovich discovered a non-freezing source of water with a salty taste on the territory of the current republic's resort "Zhdanovichi". The analysis of the water from this spring conducted in St. Petersburg in 1912 determined its physical and chemical composition – a unique combination of mineral salts – and confirmed its healing properties.
Exactly 80 years later, in 1992, "Darida" was established in this ecologically clean place, the enterprise that made the useful gift of land available to every Belarusian.


In 1997, after five years of preparatory work, the company got its first own well with a depth of 410 meters. The first shop for bottling mineral water with an optimal concentration of vital ele­ments such as fluorine, calcium, magnesium, potassium began its work. The production of carbonated drinks was launched.

Two years later, another artesian water well with a depth of 266 m was put into operation, followed by a 387 meter-deep mineral well in 2001. In the same year, more than 47.7 million bottles of unique water were sold. In 2018, a new artesian well with a depth of 270 m was drilled.

Technical re-equipment was constantly underway. By 2002, the production capacity doubled: there were new workshops opened, advanced equipment installed, which allowed the company to enter the full production cycle. As a result, sales reached 61 million bottles per year.

The increased demand for the "Darida" products moti­vated to further expand production capacities. So, in 2015, a new bottling line with a capacity of 12 thousand bottles per hour was launched, in 2019 – a line with a capacity of 2.5 thousand bottles per hour. From the moment of its foundation to the present day, more than 2.1 billion bottles of water and drinks have come off from the conveyor belts of "Darida".

Water is life

The company's main source of pride is "Darida" mineral water . In 2005, it was officially recognized as natural mineral water. On its long-term journey through the earth layers, water is saturated with minerals, so that it can benefit people later. The company makes every effort to preserve its original purity and mineral composition.

Natural drinking water under the brands "Darida AQUA" and "YourWater" contains macro- and microelements necessary for human health and beauty.

Mineral drinking water "Darida" is recommended for the prevention and treatment of metabolism, liver, gastrointestinal tract diseases. Its use improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous and lymphatic systems, and also prevents calcium leaching during exercise. The benefit of "Darida" water is clinically proven. Throughout 2018, the company, along with the Grodno State University, conducted a study of the effect of water on patients with metabolic syndrome. As a result, a favorable dynamics of clinical symptoms of the disease was noted, and the successful use of water to treat gallbladder, liver, stomach and intestines diseases was confirmed.

A wide range of products

"Darida" considers the formation of healthy eating and drinking habits of the population an important part of its mission and encourages the consumption of healthier drinks. Since natural water is a key ingredient in production, it has become the basis for a wide range of products.

For example, "Darida Aquafruit" is a line of low-calorie natural drinks with low sugar content, which have become a kind of a bridge on the way to the habit of drinking natural water. Or "Vita Mix", "Mega Fruit" and "Vega Mix" drinks, containing natural juice, natural water and minimum amount of sugar – 50 percent less than such of traditional drinks. Thus, giving a delicate taste and aroma, the products of these lines help to change eating habits: reduce the amount of sugar and calories consumed.

The company also cares about kids, bottling water into small bottles with a convenient drinking cap and a developing label.

The company's product portfolio includes positions for every­one without exception. For example, fruity "Zeronad" and carbonated drinks with many favorite flavors of childhood – "Snowball", "Citro", "Cream Soda", novelties – carbonated drinks "YOUR TONIC" with a refreshing and tonic effect, as well as a line of energy drinks "ATOM".


Full cycle and high quality

The high quality of Belarusian artesian water has become the main factor for the production organization. The enterprise has four deep water wells: with a depth of 410, 266, 270, 387 and 410 meters. The water in them is reliably protected from biological and chemical pollution and meets the criterion of physiological usefulness in terms of the main biologically necessary macro- and microelements content.

International recognition

In 2004, "Darida" confirmed its compliance with European quality standards for natural mineral water and was the first manufacturer in the CIS countries to receive the right to export its products to the EU. And so, the company first entered the Baltic market, further introduced the brand in Morocco. Following were the markets of Spain, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and, of course, the huge Russian market. In 2006, "Darida" mineral water was accredited in Brussels, received a certificate of quality compliance within the European Union. And in 2018, a kosher certificate was issued to the company by the Department of Kashrut under the Chief Rabbinate of the Russian Federation.

Today, products under the "Darida" brand are widely known and successfully sold in the domestic market and exported abroad: to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, England, Spain, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Moldova, the Russian Federation: from the Kaliningrad Region to Kamchatka, from the Murmansk Region to the Krasnodar Territory.

Opening new horizons, the company follows the invariable postulates of a successful business, with a focus on sustainable development and the consistently high quality of its products, adheres to the main principles in building partnerships, such as mutual respect and understanding.


Care for the environment

Water is the main resource of mankind, so "Darida" uses it efficiently and rationally. Only the amount of water that is considered an excess in underground sources is taken in order to maintain the natural environment balance. The company's employees work diligently to preserve the pristine purity and exceptional quality of natural water on its way to consumers. "Darida" water is bottled as close as possible to the extraction point.

The company is constantly introducing innovative technologies to reduce the consumption of electricity and heat in the production process. Thus, long-term work to optimize the weight and composition of the packaging has yielded results: the amount of plastic used has decreased, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As for logistics, "Darida" attracts more and more vehicles with less fuel consumption and takes care of the optimal location of warehouses, reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

The company believes that sustainable growth is a way of doing business. The key element of the company's mission is to take care of the health of Belarusians and nature, so company members are constantly looking for the solutions that improve products, minimize the impact on the environment. The company offers new products, promotes a rational approach to the use of packaging, reduces the carbon footprint, takes care of water resources, supports local communities and enables employees to reveal their potential.

Every product of "Darida" is made by people and for people. Starting from the first day of the company's existence, hardworking and adventurous employees of the company have sought to achieve not only material success, but also to leave their mark on history, to be remembered for the good deeds, to gain respect. To this date, "Darida" family has more than a half thousand responsible, enthusiastic employees. The contribution of each of them is valuable for the company, and the quali­ty traditions are passed down from generation to ­generation.

BelCCI is a reliable partner

A significant anniversary equals significant achievements. And this statement is applicable to the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Chamber's diverse activities in the field of opening new horizons by Belarusian companies keep pace with the times and allow making a high-level representation of the enterprises of the Republic of Belarus in the international market. The high status of Belarusian products abroad is a great merit of the BelCCI activities. "Darida" values partnership relations and believes that the accumulated experience will help open up prospects for new victories and achievements.

Big plans

The year of 2022 was special for "Darida", as the company has turned 30 years old. Over this time, the company's employees have invested a piece of their soul into each bottle, put small and big efforts every day, worked for the result. The achievements that are certainly a reason for pride are the legacy of the company's thirty-year history.

But it's only a part of the journey. The company has new success stories ahead. A large-scale investment project is planned to be implemented next year. Tilting the curtain, we can note that the company's management plans to launch new production lines for bottling natural water and drinks in elegant glass bottles and up-to-date aluminum containers. In addition, promising novelties will be introduced in 2023.