"Day with the BelCCI: promoting FEZ residents" in Minsk
13 December 2024

The project "Day with the BelCCI: promoting FEZ residents" was hosted by the Free Economic Zone "Minsk". Experts of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry familiarized export-oriented resident enterprises with the opportunities offered by cooperation with the Chamber and membership in the BelCCI.

The event was traditionally opened by Denis Meleshkin, Deputy Chairman of the BelCCI, who detailed on the advantages of the "BelCCI Member" status, presented the support tools and activities of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The participants were also welcomed by Anatoly Buben, head of the FEZ "Minsk" Administration.

The event continued with practice-oriented sessions on the key areas of the BelCCI's work to promote Belarusian exporters: "Legal mechanisms for overcoming the impact of sanctions on business activities", "Practical aspects of certification, expert examination, assessment of movable and immovable property", “Making participation in an international exhibition effective". The speakers were Vitaly Vabishchevich, Head of the Department of Legal Support and Digital Technologies of the BelCCI, Nikolai Zhukovsky, Head of the Certification and Expert Examination Department, Anna Prineslik, Head of the Exhibition Department of the Belinterexpo Unitary Enterprise.

BelCCI experts revealed such topics as sanctions compliance, force majeure, settlement of foreign economic disputes in arbitration, peculiarities of regulation of international transactions, key difficulties in own production certification, proper acceptance in terms of quantity and quality, independent evaluation of civil rights objects, advantages of participation in international exhibitions and ways to improve the effectiveness of presentation within the framework of Belarusian expositions.

At the end of the event, the participants could get individual consultations from experts of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
