Business valuation

It is useful to know the value of business for any company: small and medium businesses, industrial giants, newly created and old businesses, engaged in manufacturing or rendering of services. Only the results of an independent competent business valuation will allow the company continue its activities, increase efficiency and profitability, attract and use investments effectively, create favourable conditions for further development and expansion of business.

The professional team of the BelCCI experts will help you to determine the fair market value of all your assets and the total (synergetic) business value for any purposes.

For whom and why do we need to evaluate the company’s objects as property complexes (businesses)?

Our valuation will help you understand the performance of the company, know the current financial state of the company and the efficient use of its assets, adjust its strategic policy for further development of the company taking into account the dynamics of markets and economic situation, make operational decisions on acquisition or sale of business or its part, merge, joining or acquisition of business.

Our valuation will be indispensable for resolving any issues related to financing or secured lending and other purposes.

Company as an object of law
Company as an asset complex
Commercial company
Share of the authorized capital of a legal entity, part of a company
Share, stock of shares
Valuation objectives
Pledging (mortgage)
Assessment of the value of the property to be used as the subject of mortgage for receiving a loan from a bank.
Making a contribution in kind to the authorized capital of a legal entity
Assessment of the value of the property to be used as a non-monetary deposit to the statutory fund of a newly established entity.
Fixed assets re-valuation
Assessment of the market and/or residual value of fixed assets being part of profitable investments into stocks of materials, equipment to be installed for accounting purposes
Implementation of managerial decisions

Property value assessment for:
confirmation of the declared imported property customs value; entry into the books of excess of assets identified during inventory count and assets received free of charge;
itemization (allocation) of the inventory item initial cost; sale of property which was exempted, seized or transferred to the state revenue; others not contradicting to the applicable law.

Purchase and sale (variation of rights (use, control) of objects of civil rights)
Sale without auctioning or competition;
sale of property under the economic insolvency procedure (bankruptcy);
gratuitous alienation (transfer);
granting for free use, rent, trust management;
property inheritance;
and etc.
Settlement of property disputes
Assessment of the facility cost for a property dispute claims, including the assessment of the property before and after damage, taking into account (excluding) recoverable and irreparable wear and tear, assessment of the refurbishment cost, including the cost of the facility restoration services and the cost of materials.
Where to get an estimate
View address list
Унитарное предприятие «Гомельское отделение Белорусской торгово-промышленной палаты»
246050, Республика Беларусь, г. Гомель, ул. Ирининская, 21-17
+ 375 (232) 236888
+375 (232) 236444
Унитарное предприятие «Могилевское отделение Белорусской торгово-промышленной палаты»
ул. Циолковского, д.1, 212022, Республика Беларусь, г.Могилев
+375 (222) 77 80 42
+375 (222) 77 80 31
Унитарное предприятие «Минское отделение Белорусской торгово-промышленной палаты»
ул. Я. Коласа, 65, 220113 г. Минск, Республика Беларусь
+375 17 351 1490
+375 17 343 6940
Унитарное предприятие «Гродненское отделение Белорусской торгово-промышленной палаты»
230023, г.Гродно, ул.Советская, 23а
+375 (152) 555565
+375 (152) 555563
Унитарное предприятие «Витебское отделение Белорусской торгово-промышленной палаты»
210001, Республика Беларусь, г. Витебск, ул. Космонавтов, 4
+375 212 67 37 15
+375 212 60 11 33
Унитарное предприятие «Брестское отделение Белорусской торгово-промышленной палаты»
224030, г.Брест, ул.Гоголя,13
+ 375 (162) 217885
+ 375 (162) 211218

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